Being a Book Reviewer!

We were so excited to be chosen as new book reviewers for Kid Lit Exchange! If you are not familiar with their work, click on the picture
to visit their brand new website. It's like reading teacher heaven!

The first book we reviewed was the picture book Milky Way by Mamta Nainy on Goodreads.

Tashi is a little boy who loves to gaze out his window and the world around him and beyond. However, he mostly enjoyed staring
at the night sky.  One such night he discovered his friend, the moon, was growing thinner and becomes concerned.  Momo-ley (his grandmother) explains to him about the new moon.  He comes up with a plan to make the moon strong again.

I enjoyed how the book combined the Himalayan culture with the phases of the moon.  Also, reading about the unique setting of the story added to the sweet tale. Regardless, the story could be about any child in any part of the world.  It is a great way to build diversity in your library while touching on science content - quite an usual combination.

Last, as teachers, we appreciated the glossary and teacher page with additional links for lesson plans. What teacher doesn't like a little extension?

The second book we had the pleasure of reviewing was Animal Encounters written and illustrated by Agnes Bellegris.

This is a sweet collection of animal poems with delightful illustrations.  We know our students will love to hear these poems read aloud in class over and over.  We loved her descriptions of the animals. We always enjoy when the writer is also the illustrator.  Her choice of words is clever and entertaining. For example, "busy squirrel, you're an acrobat" or the goose "you say good-bye in the fall, seeking southern warmth."  We can't wait to share with our students.

Our first time as a Kid Lit Exchange reviewer was a fabulous experience! We can't wait for our next package of books!

Are there any books you would recommend for us to read to our students? We'd love to hear from you!

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